



超声波通常是指高于20kHz的频带,人耳可以接收16.5kHz的上限。通过此功能,超声波非常适用于工业测试。超声波专注于工业泄漏检测,空气密封测试和预测维护,产品和解决方案,钢和有色金属,烟草和食品和饮料,汽车,化学和石油和天然气,采矿水泥,玻璃制造,电力和清洁系统,军事,纸和印刷,铁路运输,水处理,基础设施,地铁风机和大型空调系统,港口自动化和许多其他行业已得到广泛应用。超声波检测器泄漏检测系统与特定气体传感器的不同之处在于它限于其设计为感知的特定气体,而是由声音检测到。任何穿过泄漏孔的气体都有一部分超声波带,允许超声波检测器泄漏检测系统感测任何类型的气体泄漏。扫描超声波检测器泄漏检测系统以听到耳机的泄漏,或者看到数字信号的变化。泄漏越近,更明显。如果场景环境嘈杂,请使用橡胶管缩小接收区域并屏蔽拮抗超声波。此外,超声波检测器泄漏检测系统的频率调节能力也降低了背景噪声干扰。 Check the air pressure system and test the pressure cables used by the telecommunications company. Tanks, lines, and hoses can be tested by pressurization. And vacuum systems, vortex exhaust, diesel engine fuel intake systems, vacuum chambers, ship cabins, watertight doors, material handling systems, pressure vessels and piping inside and outside the gas and liquid leakage. It is suitable for sealing test of soft packaging parts in food, pharmaceutical, and daily chemical industries. It is also possible to test the sealing performance of the test piece after the drop and pressure test.
